Division of Health Medical Intelligence,
Laboratory of Sequence Analysis,
Human Genome Center
Institute of Medical Science,
University of Tokyo
Associate Professor Zhang and colleagues published a paper in Bioinformatics on the mechanism of pre-training of genome sequences in BERT, one of the large-scale language models.
Associate Professor Zhang and colleagues have developed a novel contrast learning-based technique to predict host bacteria for bacteriophages, published in Briefings in Bioinformatics.
In cooperation with the J-League, a paper was published by the BMJ Open comparing PCR and antigen qualitative tests for J-League players and staff, and examining the accuracy of antigen qualitative tests relative to PCR tests.
Nature has published the results of its contribution to the COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative, an international collaborative research group, as a task force to control the corona. We are analyzing gene polymorphisms involved in the aggravation of COVID-19.
A paper on the clinical trial of the cholera vaccine MucoRice-CTB has been published in the Lancet Microbe.
We analyzed the intestinal bacteria associated with vaccine efficacy. This is a joint research project with Prof. Kiyono.
The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo and IBM jointly developed a SARS-CoV-2 genome analysis and visualization system to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19 in Japan
A paper examining the infection risk at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 and the effects of various countermeasures by simulation was published in the international scientific journal Microbial Risk Analysis of microbial infection risk analysis.
A joint research with Prof. Uematsu has been published in Gastroenterology. "Functional Restoration of Bacteriomes and Viromes by Fecal Microbiota Transplantation"
A joint work with Prof. Nakanishi is published from Science "Senolysis by glutaminolysis inhibition ameliorates various age-associated disorders"
A new base caller for long-chain sequences using deep learning (Oxford Nanopore) has been published in Bioinformatics.
A study of community-derived science on the effects of host genetic factors on the Japanese gut flora has been published, in collaboration with DeNA Life Sciences.
October 14, 2020
The results of our joint research with Fujitsu Laboratories are being used to create "JDream SR", an article research service that utilizes AI.
"For the first time in the world, we succeeded in analyzing the cells that cause aging in the body." A joint research with Professor Nakanishi was released in a press release.
Viral dark matter exposed: metagenome database detects phage-derived antibacterial enzyme
TCorona Suppression Task Force has started. Imoto is participating as a startup member.